Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Finally got belly pictures up. I'm going to try and post some new things each month after each doctor visit. When I'm 28 weeks, I will be posting something each week. This idea came from my sister, that way I can keep everyone updated!
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Wearing mostly all maternity pants. I haven't found too many that fit very comfortable so I'm also wearing a lot of plus sizes. I have been mostly wearing XLg and 2X shirts that I found on sale at Wal-Mart.
Best Moment This Week: I've been feeling the baby move a little more. I think I've felt a few kicks.
Gender: Not sure yet. We find out at the next doctor visit, Sept. 21, 2010.
Movement: A little. Feels like bubbles and sometimes a little punch inside.
Food Cravings: I have been eating a lot of cereal lately, which I never really did before.
What I miss: Sleeping more at night. I've been waking up almost every two hours to go to the bathroom.
Sleep: Scarce, been waking up more than usual.
What I'm looking forward to: This week going to see my sister and her kids. And our next doctors visit. We find out what we're having!
Belly Button: It's still there! Looks the same, maybe a little wider.

Justin Bieber Concert

Jena and I took Brynn and Izabell to the Justin Bieber concert in July. They loved it. Izzy is singing along!
Dancing along with her new light wand!
Izzy and me at the concert.
Impatiently waiting! This was at the beginning of the concert. She kept asking me when Justin was going to come on. They had three opening bands and Izabell was getting very impatient, as you can tell:)